Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"Take My Blood"

I came across this random youtube link posted on my friend's facebook wall. This is from Thai and also has a Deaf-mute man doing some sign language. Please take a few moment to see what it is about.

Man! I dont' know about you but that video left me speechless. I never thought that a commerical could be so deep! *shedding a few tears here* It's a life insurance commerical for goodness sake!

This video had made me think about my relationship with Conner. Yes, I am Deaf but that shouldn't stop me from loving my son. I want Conner to feel that he can commuicate with me anytime. I want him to be happy in our home. Just like any parents, I want the best for him. If he does not feel happy with who his mom is, I will still love him no matter what. This video also reminded me of how Christ's love is for us. Too often, we feel that we can't commuicate with our savior. I cannot understand God's power and hear him. Yet, Christ had gave up his own life for us. The man in the video said "Take my blood"...that gave me goosebumps. Wow! This dad wants to save his only daughter even if that meant to give up his own home and everything that he has. Jesus did the same. And I love him for that!

Thank you Lord for loving me even when I have failed you! ---your daughter, Erica

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