Monday, August 29, 2011

Growing Up!

Oh dear! Guess what happened tonight? It was so unexpectedly for me. While I was making dinner, my husband started to feed Conner some baby jar food. He asked me "should I try & see if Conner will feed himself?" I said "I don't know. He has never tried it yet." Without thinking about reaching for my ipod camera, Conner got the spoon and did it like it was the most normal thing to do. He spoon-fed himself!! Ahh! Of course, I ran to get my ipod and record it. *Dramatic mama's memories insert here* What's funny is that he made a couple of little spill on his shirt. Usually, he does not wear a shirt (or has a bib on) whenever he has his meal. This time we forgot to but hey, who says there is a perfect non-messy child? haha! I really can't believe Conner is growing up. He is only 10 months old for goodness sake! Ok...he is really almost 11 months old but don't remind me just yet. 
So thrilled for Conner to be growing up!--Mama! =)


  1. I love when you post pictures and videos of Conner. I can't wait until there is chance that we all together again.
