Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pitching a Fit, Conner's Style

"Don't touch"-mama
"WaAHHHHHHHhhhhHHHHh!!!" --Lil' C.

This is what we have been hearing almost everyday now. Discipline, love & repeat. That's pretty much what we have been working with Conner. It's a big job for a parent. Sure, it's a lot of fun...NOT! We can either choose to let Conner grow however he please or to follow God's word. In that case, Brian and I choose to be a christian parents. We want to follow God's words. Proverbs 22:6 tells us this,

"Train up a child in a way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Lately, my son has been starting to pitch a fit whenever he does not get things his way. Brian & I have been praying about this long before Conner exists. We pray that God will give us strength and wisdom to train our child the way He wants us to do. Our 1st challenge finally came. It is one of the many challenges we will face in raising our child. We decided to teach him the word (voice & sign) "don't touch" & "no". In return, we will praise him for listening. If he does not, we either remove him from the situation or give a pat on the hand. It will take some time for him to grasp the meaning of why we do this. In additional to this, we also explain why we "don't touch" this or that. Conner understood a simple sign "no" without me voicing it.

Example: dog food. "That's Lyla's food. No touch dog-food" (he already knows the word "no", "food" and "dog"). He will look at my dog and at her food. He realized that it's her food and only for her.

We also can't forget to give LOTS OF LOVE. With every discipline, ends up lots of love, forgiveness and understanding. It shows Conner that "mommy and daddy loves me a lot even though they don't like what I shouldn't be doing. I should obey to them happy." Of course, Lil' C still will tests us. We just need to learn how to be consistency with disciplining. It will all be worth it at the end. Whew!

What are some challenges that you had to face (or are facing right now) with child rearing?

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