Sunday, March 27, 2011

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Today in church, I learned about not to worry or be afriad. In Phillpiians chapter 4, Paul told the people to have JOY everyday. I'm pretty sure that it is hard to have joy while going through some difficult times. Worry actually drains out the energy that we have. By the time we stop worrying, we are too tired to spend some time with our family, going out to enjoy fellowship with our friends or even to worship God. Worry can cause physical pain such as heachade and back pain. Yes, it seems like that it does not but when we get those phsycial pains we realized we are stressing out over things that troubles us. We have to STOP worrying!When we give our heavenly Father our worries and forget about it. We recvice some amazing peace like a heavy bag has lifted off our shoulder. God is teaching us to depend on Him no matter what.
When I became a mom, I start to get worrying about raising my kid. Will he get enough food? Is he breathing ok at night? Will we have enough money to buy diapers. Will he get sick from other people whenever we go out? My mind is like a busy hornet nest. I did not like it one bit. It drained out my energy that I forgot how to enjoy being a mother. I was reminded from my husband and the pastor of this sermon. Now, I understand better about not to worry & let God take care of us. I hope this helps you in whatever situation you are in.
This video was showed in church and I wanted share to the readers. It's a child who became afriad of his mommy blowing her nose. The noise really scared him but he realized it's ok. His mommy is there to protect him from harm. Then he realized that it's funny because he did not worry about the noise. 

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