Thursday, April 21, 2011


Last night, Conner was getting fussy around 6:30am. I couldn't figure out why. I changed his diaper, offer him some milk even cuddling. Finally, I decided to put him in his crib. Usually, Conner is put in bed with me when BG goes to work at 5:30am. I don't have anyone or anything to wake me up when Conner cries. So this is a good method for me. If he gets fussy, he would kick against me. So much for punch out my baby pouch, because it's not working. haha! When I put Conner back in his crib. I decided to put my cochlear implant (like hearing aids) on. So that way, I'll know he is crying or not. I never wear them when I go to bed. Man! I never realized how many little nosies can be so loud at night! My breathing, my hair static against the pilliow, my dog snoring, Conner sucking on his pacy, it even started to rain. It was loud since we have an AC in our window. Sigh* It was hard to get some peaceful sleep. I don't know how you people do it. =)

....Conner slept 2 &1/2 hours more. YES! Thank God, I didn't have to wake up at 6:30am. His cries woke me up for sure! =) He is such a little trooper!

What Conner Ate On Wednesday

Ok, I know the title sounds weird but I kept seeing some blogs doing a traditional. "What I Wore On Wednesday" or even "What I Ate On Wednesday". I just thought "hey, I should do this just for fun!" So...what did Conner ate on Wednesday. hmm...

~Lil' Tank's Menu~

*Delicous milk (Lots of them!)
*Baby food:
    Mango. He really likes them but kept making faces each time he took a bite. I think it's kinda tarty. I won't lie, but I did tasted it. It wasn't that bad. If your child kept making faces like he didn't like it or something. Taste it to see what he is tasting. You'll figure it out.
    More Peas please! BLAH!!! I hate the look of peas. I rarely ever eat peas too. But guess what? He loves it! It was his first time having peas. I guess I will be getting a surprise stinky package soon. ;)

That's what Conner ate on Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

6 Months Check-Up

Today was a wonderful day! My mom and I took Conner back to the doctor for his routine check-up. Of course, he is at that age where he recognize faces or not. The the nurses and a doctor who has been seeing him ever since he was born are very nice. He would be happy with my mom, me and a person then suddenly realized that he does not know the nurses (or doctor). He would start to make a crying face, it was cute though. No joke.  

Here is the update: 19.12 lbs (80th % for weight) and 28 1/4 inches long (90th % in height). No wonder why my arms is toning up! =) I am so proud of my lil' bug growing stronger everyday. He got 3 shots. Poor thing! And a blood test on his finger to check for iron. It was low. So I need to start giving him vitamins with iron in it. His belly button is a lot better than it was but what bother me was a funny pink hard part on his belly button. The doctor check it and said probably will have surgery. Just a small snip to fix. Conner will be an outpatient so no overnight stay. Yay! We got scheduled to visit the doctor on Friday (April 22). All the doctor is going to do is to check on the belly button and see if Conner needs surgery. Also do some paper work. Yuck!

After the check-up, we went to TARGET!!! I love that store. They have lots of baby stuff! Better than Walmart, or so I think. Conner slept most of the time while we were shopping. Mom and I check out the cute baby clothes and shoes. I wish I had a shopping spree to buy all the cutest stuff! The whole point of going to Target was getting a sippy cup. I finally settle on one. It took forever to decide. Anyway happy 6 months old, Conner! His very first sippy cup!

Afterward, we ate at Zaxby's! If you never had tried Zaxby's before you're missing the true part of the South! They have the best chicken fingers ever. I think it's better than KFC...and just maybe better than Chick-fil-a. But that is another story. Conner sat in a high chair while mom feed him some baby food. Chicken and rice. He did pretty well for his first time eating in a restaurant. We also got amazing birthday shake. It tastes like frosting and batter in a cup. I know it is pack with lots of calories but's my birth month right? Did I tell you that my birthday is coming up next week? ekkkkk!! =)

That evening, I gave Conner the sippy cup to try out. It was soo funny to see him try to use it. He is learning well. Just keep at it little guy! It has been such a great day! =)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Just A Little Picniking Here

Oh Picnik!...where would I be without you? I love picnik! It's basically a very easy way to edit and play with your photo. It's free to join. You do have to pay for extra goodies but I didn't. I'm fine with what it has to offer. I could picniking all day if I wanted to. The only bad thing about it, it crashes sometimes on my old laptop. If you have a better computer that runs faster, I'm sure you will do a picture within 10 minutes. It took me a couple of hours to do one. Now, we just got a new computer 2 months ago so It was a lot easier to d some picnik. Here are some of the pictures that I did.

Bubble Bath!

It's a bubble bath time! I used to love bubble baths as a kid! I was hoping Conner would be at the age to start liking baths and have fun. This is our 2nd time having bubbles in the tub. I usually give his bath in the mornings. So change of plans tonight, just because I wanted to. We had bubble bath for him (with bedtime bath soap). Boy! Did he ever had the most fun? Splashes of water went everywhere but I had a towel in hand. heehee! He loved all the toys and the bubbles. He was even laughing at his toys. So cute! Of course, I took some pictures for memories. His hair was awesome!! I couldn't get it to stand up straight for a minute because it was too long.
Rubber Ducky Me Blue!

He did a very good job grabing the tug boat because it was slippery.

Don't ya love his crazy hair?

maybe I should put a bow in it? ;)

he sure has a big hand...and big mouth like his daddy! Just kidding babe!
After bath time, Conner ate at 8pm. He fell asleep right after that and slept ever since. He didn't even budge when a loud thunderstorm came rolling around here. I was surprised that he went to bed early. He usually goes to bed between 9 and 11pm. It felt weird to have some extra time but hey I would take it! I'm watching some old reruns and blogging. I may have a bowl of popcorn! Yay for "me time"!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


just relaxing on the ground

I think he likes it

He heard the birds & he is talking too.

I love being outside in nature. It renews my soul. It makes me think of God's amazing grace. I wanted Conner to experience and share the love that I have. I decided to lay out a blanket and some pillows for Conner and I. We would just lay there for a long time without saying a word. Conner has never done that before. We stared into the blue sky and trees. We listened to the birds singing. It was amazing! Nice and a relaxing evening for us!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Less of a Newborn, More of an Infant

I was having some flashback moments when I was cleaning Conner's changing table. I found a bag of REALLY SMALL baby bottles that we brought home from the hospital. It only carries 4 oz. of liquid. We used it when we had to bottle feed him when he was not latching on well. I had to show it to Brian. I said "oh my goodness, don't you remember when you fed him at the hospital when you sat in the rocking chair?". Of course, Brian just smiled and nodded. I knew he was feeling the same. It's pretty neat to see how much Conner has grew from eating 2 to 4 oz. of milk to eating 6 to 10 oz. of milk plus some baby cereal and food. Feeding time went from every 2 hours for the first 2 or 3 months to eating every 3 to 4 hours (or maybe more if we're lucky).

Sleep...sigh* it's like a roller coaster. When it's going up, we think that Conner is doing great with sleeping longer at night and getting good naps during the day. When it's going down...well you know the differences. Sleep. That word is like gold. I'm not kidding. It sure would be nice to get some good naps and sleep in on Saturdays. Although, I enjoyed waking up at 8 or 8:30am to my baby's smiling face. It's the little things that makes me forget all about wanting to sleep longer.

What's the differences between a newborn and infant?

Newborns- They are so small & fragile. They requires a lot of sleep. They need frequents caring such as making sure they are well-fed and have a clean diaper on. They observes by watching, listening and feeling you.

Infants- They usually can spread out their schedule for feeding & changing diapers. Their everyday life becomes routine. They have a better attention to the world around them. They would do anything to get their hands on whatever they can reach (my dog is starting to learn that Tank can grab onto her long ears. ouch!).

I'm sure there are more to this list but I'm not going to list them all. I realized Tank is already an infant. He is well on his way to becoming a toddler in a few years. I just love watching him play in the tub & making a mess. I love watching him observe and listen to his dvd music. I love seeing that Conner is practicing his motor skills with his toys and pacy. He is even learning how to use his voices and I hope some sign language too. And get this, my son learned how to get someone to pick him up. Oh here we go! He was sitting on my lap tonight while watching his daddy talk next to me. Suddenly, he reached both of his arms out toward him. BG picked him up and Tank gave him the sweetest hug ever! I did not expect this! How SWEET!! I guess people are right. Embrace & enjoy your newborns/infants now while you still can. Take lots of pictures. You can never have enough! =)

love it when he smiles when daddy comes home!

I wonder what he is thinking...

hey cutie!
love the light in his eyes


Monday, April 11, 2011

Almost Crawling

I almost forgot to post this! Just last Friday, I left my baby boy at Mimi's house while BG and I went out shopping. My mom told me that Conner was trying to crawl. He can shoo around some. But crawling?! Oh goodness, he is sure growing up fast! While mom was explaining what Conner did, he did it again! I wish I had a camera to record it because it was so funny to watch. Trying to crawl result him getting a carpet burn on his face, the red marks. He is still a happy boy! Yay, go little bug! I guess I better get around to making sure my house is child-proof. sigh* On the positive side note, he is doing great with his motor skills!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Blue Bird & White Polka Dots!

I have been itching to do something creative. I love to paint. So I decided to get this old pottery bird from my parents' garden & paint it blue. Blue is my favorite color. Polka dots makes everything fun! I recently got a cute rug on sale for $3 so the bird pretty much matches well! My kitchen looks so much fun to look at. Here are the step by steps pictures.

  • Acrylic paint(s) in your favorite color (makes sure its not gloss unless you want shiny and if you want to have your painted pottery outside, get a waterproof & fade resist if possible.)
  •  A pottery of your choice
  • paintbrush
  • cup of water (to rise the paint off your paintbrush
  • a paper towel
  • sandpaper *optional
First, sand off any old paint on the pottery. I didnt have any sandpaper but I did used an old dish brush. Wash any dirt/sand off so that it will be clean to brush on. Dirt will pick the paint off after its dried. Make sure you dry off your pottery before painting.

before painting

it is in the process of drying. Make sure you give it at least 2 coat to give a soild color.

The paint is all dried. Give any touch up if needed. I also painted the bottom.

I decided to add really small polka dots to random feather shapes.
I did not want to make the dots to big. The focus is on the bird itself. 

All done! Now isnt that cute?
Hey it matches my rug! LOL

p.s. my rug is magic! If you stand on the rug & wash the dishes you will be happy, especially your feet! =) Hope you are inspired to do something creativity!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Conner's Giggle

Conner had his first giggling spell. I never thought it would be his pull toy on his car seat. His daddy is pulling the toy for him. =)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Sweetest Gift--part 2

If you haven't read the first part of my story, you can click on this link to read it. Part one


Of course, my mom was crying. She wasn't allowed to come with me. I couldn't push. I kept flipping to my sides & stomach to bring my baby's heart beat up. It only worked for a little bit. The nurses & midwife called the main doctor in. Everyone was talking to each other but us. Brian & my mom didn't know what's going on. Where was the communication? Finally, in a strict tone, my doctor said "we must have C-section because you did not get an epidural. We don't want to use the suction vacuum to pull the baby out because the pain will be too much for me." All I could say was ok. I didn't know how to explain the scare look in my husband & my mom's face. Brian was rushed to sign a paper with me while I was high on contractions & the medicine. The paper was to approve me for C-section. Then off I went, rolling down the hall, in my bed, with the contractions coming in hard. I arrived into the cleanest & the brightest room that you could find. I was given an epidural in my back while I had to lean on my interpreter. My husband was held back for a few minutes. I don't know where he is! I felt bad for my interpreter because this was not her role but was forced to from a nurse. I told her "I'm sorry for that but thank you." She said no problem. I was laid on a flat bed with a place to stretch out my arms kinda like a cross. I had a flashback thought about Jesus being laid on a cross. He was getting ready to be nailed down. Thank you Jesus for taking the worse pain ever and giving me a chance to be saved.

My husband finally came in with scrubs & mask on. A blue sheet was hanged over my chest so I won't get the mess on my face from the actions. My husband said he does not want to watch because it's kinda a gross thing for him. Although, I did wish that I remember to ask for a mirror so I can see what will happen. A numbing stinky gel was rolled onto my belly. It's supposed to clean your belly and numb the skin from feeling the blade cutting through. This is going to be a weird experience to be awake while in surgery. I had surgeries before but only when I was under anesthesia. All the nurses and doctors are ready under 5-10 minutes.

Then at 7:42pm...I heard my baby cried. "Wah!...Wah!". I saw him & fell in love! My husband squeezed my hand (but of course I couldn't feel it that much) and gave me the happiest teary eyes with a secret smile under his mask! Oh my! What a big boy Conner is! He has a dark wavy hair. Tough arms & legs. His body is long. His head looks like Brian. Man, what a HUGE FEET! He has a gorgeous set of deep blue eyes. He is going to be a heart breaker! 7lbs. & 14 oz. Measure at 21 & 3/4 inches long!

My husband ran off to take some pictures and watch a nurse give Conner his first bath. All of suddenly, my room became quiet. Where were all the nurses and doctors? There was only me, my interpreter & 3 ladies. They started cleaning up my belly. They told me they are sorry if my bra got some orange gel on it. I can throw it away if I want to. I told my interpreter to say nah its ok. I want to keep it for memories. They said I could frame it haha! We had so much fun talking in the white room. It felt like we were partying like its 1999! Best nurses I ever had! At this bittersweet moment, I realized my baby has arrived! I'm a new mama? Wow! Now, I'm over being pregnant! Alright! My interpreter and I chatted for a while. It was nice to get to know her. She told me she has done this probably about 40 times. Good pay though.

I was finally wheeled to the recovery room where the nurses can watch me closely. I had to wait until the epidural medicine wear off. I also had to be able to move my feet before going back to my regular room. I slept on & off. I was so tired! Brian showed me a video of Conner taking his first bath. Conner did not like it haha! After 2 hours of all the chaos, my husband & nurse asked if I want to hold my baby. Yes. This is it! 9:30ish pm, my baby was put into my tiring arms and I nursed him a little bit. He felt warm. He was quiet and I just stared at his face. He looks so much like Brian! He is my very own baby. Conner Vance Green! What a wonderful gift from God!

I told the interpreter that she can go home if she wants to. She had stayed all day. I am so thankful for her. She congrats us and went home. Then I got a surprise! The Walterhouse came in for a visit. Just in time to see the baby! They had been driving back to Chattanooga from visiting families in Florida. I only got to see Michelle but that's ok. She really made my night! Mom got to come over to visit. Brian took some pictures of the baby and showed it to Jonathan and the boys in the waiting room. After they left, I gave my baby back to be checked again. I started to wiggle my toes, then my feet! Finally, by 11:30pm, I was wheeled back to my bed. I did not recognize the hallways back to my room. It was like a maze. I guess those medicine can do crazy stuff to your mind.

It took a while to get the magnesium to wear off before I can be transfer to a normal room. I had to wait 24 hours before doing that. My mom went home with dad for the night. The first night was really funny. I was stuck in bed with terrible C-section pains. I can't move at all. My son was able to stay in our room with us instead of being in the nursery. Brian had prepared a bottle for him because I was still out sleeping. I woke up a little bit every now and then. Then once, I saw him had to change the baby's diaper. It was the very first poopy diaper. Let me tell was gross! Black mushy poop from eating the fluids in my belly went everywhere in the little bed. It's even on my husband's arms & shirt. Brian didn't get enough wipes prepared. He had to run in the bathroom to get more wipes warmed & wet (it's not the packed wet wipes. It's the one you had to wet & warmed yourself) so I felt bad I couldn't reach to calm the baby's screaming. What a night! Another time, I saw my husband rock the baby to sleep. So sweet! Needless to say, I fell in love with my husband all over again. =)

I stayed at the hospital for 3 nights & 4 days. My grandparents, Aunt Michele & my cousin Summer, Aaron & Aubrie & my dad came to visit. I watched Mrs. Doubtfire movie, and also watched Phines & Ferb. I ate some wonderful hospital food (notice: I haven't ate for over 24 hours!) but I couldn't eat them all. I gave my mom & Brian all my good desserts! I always had to warn them not to make me laugh because it hurts my belly when I do! It took a while to finally use the bathroom. I had to be able to go myself & walk around well before I can be discharged to go home. I took some antibiotics for my scar & pain to heal. Finally, I got the BEST shower I ever had. It was difficult to raise my arms to my head because of the scar. But I'm happy my hair is cleaned! hmm my hair smells like tropical flowers! I love to watch my baby sleep. He passed his hearing test with flying colors! *Mixed emotions here* I'm not going to explain why on here.

Finally, by Sunday afternoon, I was discharged to go home. I changed into my purple shirt & stretching black pants. Put on my jewelry because hey I'm the newest, prettiest & happy mama! Packed my bag, got all my paperworks together, pack some more baby stuff the hospital gave us & even got Conner in for a quick photoshot with the hospital photographer. Such a cute pumpkin! The proud parents took a picture of Conner in his new car seat (thanks Aunt Shelly!). And I finally said to my husband, ok let's go home! I sat in the wheel chair with the car seat in my lap. My favorite nurse pushed my wheelchair to the car and took our family picture. Off we went! It was such a crazy weekend but a wonderful experience! I was still tired and very emotionally drained. I felt like I half-experienced childbirth. It wasn't right. Conner was almost there but suddenly was taken out the different way. I don't know what to say about this. It made me cried but Brian reminded me that it's ok. Look...we have a healthy baby boy just as we prayed for. Thank you Lord for the experience you gave me.

My first time holding Conner. I love my handsome boys!

The Sweetest Gift! My baby---part 1


Ok this is going to be a long story. Better get a cup of coffee before reading my blog. ;)

This is long overdue. I have been wanting to write about my experience. I didn't for a long time because the memories was too strong and emotionally draining me. The day that I had my child was a totally different experience than I had expected, not that I wasn't expecting that may happen. 2 days before Conner came, I was at 38 weeks & 4 days along. I went in for my check-up. Everything is going well. Only my blood pressure was a tad higher than it should have been. It has not gone down in the last few weeks. My ankles & feet are fat as a happy pig lying in the mud. My doctor told me that I should go ahead & schedule to be induce a week early. The blood pressure was too high and plus the doctor guessed that my baby is around 8 pounds. Oh my, what a big baby! We scheduled for induced 2 days after my appointment which is on Thursday, at 6am. It's exactly one week before I'm at 40 weeks. My mom & I went home and I sat waiting all day for my husband to come home. I couldn't wait to tell him! As soon he got home, he wanted to know all about my check up. Of course, I couldn't help but smile. I told him that we're going to have a baby on Thursday! Excited as he can be, Brian called his boss for off days from work & called his Michigan family to be prepare for the newest Green baby boy! I do hope the baby isn't really "green", ha ha not funny.

For the next 2 nights, Brian and I talked about how excited we are. Are we prepared? Not really but we had all the basics things we needed. My brother let us borrow his daughter's bassinet since she already outgrew it. We were given a really nice changing table from my dad's mission board. We also borrowed a little baby swing. I had a lot of diapers and wipes on hand. Plus a cute cuddling blanket-bear from Mrs. Sandy Cook. It's adorable!

Of course, we prayed a lot! We prayed for safe deliverance. We prayed for a healthy baby and a healthy mama. We prayed that BG won't pass out I'm giving birth. haha! We also prayed that God will give us wisdom in raising a new baby. My family asked me if I am excited? Of course I am! But I am DEFINITELY NOT looking forward to experience the sin that is crused on Eve & all the women in the world. It's childbirth. I got a encouragement text from one of my good friends in Ringgold, GA. She told me that it's ok to cry & be happy at the same time. God gave mothers to experience something special. Our body is capable to do such a mircle thing. We must be humble under God's grace & mercy. It was something I needed to hear. I did cried. I was happy and scared at the same time. I was already missing my friends. It's going to be a quiet weekend without all my Chattanooga friends who couldn't drive 3 hours away.

The next day, we got a call from the hospital saying they have decided to provide a live interpreter rather than using a Deaf TV chat. The day before, I declined the offer to use a deaf TV chat similar to the idea of using Skype. What a stupid idea! But thank God for providing an interpreter. It gave my mom a peace of mind.

I couldn't sleep good the night before. My husband didn't either. But we at least got a few hours of shut eyes. At 5am, my husband called the hospital to be sure they have room for me. We were told to do that by the doctor. Yes! We are to come in at 6am. Boy, why do we have to be up early before the birds? blah! I got my packed bag, my cochelear implant (of course I am going to wear it so I can hear my baby's 1st cry) and my cell phone. I'm all ready to go. My stomach was starting to growl but I was not allow to eat or drink. I'm also nervous too. I stood in front of the bathroom's mirror for one last look as a preggo mama. Man! What a sight! In a good way heehee! I can't believe that pretty soon Conner will be in my arms. My arms are longing for a warm & cuddling sweet baby. Today is the day I will get to meet you, Conner!

Brian, my mom & I arrived at the hospital at 6am. It was still dark & quiet outside the building. I checked in and met my interpreter who drove 2 hours from Rossville, GA to Gainesville. She seem nice. I got to my room but the staff decided to transfer me to a different room. So that my interpreter will be right by the small waiting room. That was nice of them to do that. She usually sits in the waiting room until a staff or a doctor comes in my room.

At 8:40am, I got my i.v. in and pitocin medicine to start my inducing. We had a lot of nurses come in every 30 minutes to 1 hour. They checked on my i.v., my intake of pitocin (which induces my labor), my blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat. I signed some papers. Such as NO to epidural. I wanted to have as natural as I can. So far so good. I love my nurses! They are so fun to talk to. They are nothing as I expected. We waited all day. Then we waited so more. We chat on skype a little bit with my in-laws. I started to be in active labor. I'm dilated at 3cm but am 90% effaced. My blood pressure was still a little bit high. The doctors are concerned about that so they gave me magnesium to reduce my blood pressure. The nurse explained to me that magnesium is suppose to help reduce my B.P. but it also slows my labor down. The other medicine I have is suppose to induce my labor. What a conflicting idea. But so far I'm ok. I'm in some pains but not too bad. The pains felt like have a period but 3 x's worse. It would have been a good day for some chocolate & watch chick flick movies. It has been awhile since I felt some pain on my lower area. The doctor gave me some stateall pain medicine every few hours. That helps a lot. It kinda numbs the pain out. The pain can be so strong that I will forget how to breathe. Now, I understand why pregnant mothers should take childbirth classes. So we can learn how to handle the pains and how to BREATHE! My mom helped me a lot. an awful teacher haha! I just had to take a lot of deep breaths and let it out slow. I can't do it without watching a person do it.

By 1pm, I'm dilated to 4cm & fully effaced. The baby's head is real low. I kept seeing different doctors and mid-wives. I kinda wish I was back in Chattanooga so I can have my doctor back. He is a pretty great Christian man. I just want one doctor not a various of different doctors. Here in Gainesville, it's hard to have "patient and doctor" relationship. How am I suppose to trust them? Only God. I have to keep trusting God. Anyway, BG and mom took turns to go for a lunch break. I'm not so hungry anymore. I text back and forth to my friends in Maine and in Chattanooga area. They help keep my mind off the pain too.

By 3pm, I am halfway there to 10 cm.! I took a bathroom break, sat in a rocking chair. Went back to my bed. I didn't feel like walking down the halls or taking a bath.

By 4pm, I am at 6 to 7 cm. I had to get my blood drawn. Here we go again. I hope I don't pass out like the last time. It was fine this time. Brian didn't tell me any "why the chicken across the road?" jokes to distract me from the pain (I told him not to). He just held my hands and say we're going to have a baby in a few hours!

By 4:50pm, I'm at 8cm...paper thin, and +1... (+4 is delivery). I got more pain medicine. Thank God I live in the right century! I started to feel the pain come like a roller coaster. My mom talked to Lynn again on Skype. They played with smiley faces. haha! It's good I can get some laughs here and there. I'm pretty sure I said something weird and random due to all the drugs. I don't remember what I said though.

6pm---Contraction is coming in every few minutes. It's horrible but amazing because it's about time to start pushing! A lot of nurses and midwife came in to prepare me for the pushing game.

My interpreter did a very good job at position herself in where I can see her among everyone. To be honest, I rather watch my interpreter than the midwife. She seem kinda weird & annoying for some reasons. At least it's not Brian who I am annoyed with. He just held my hands. I still haven't broke his hand though. haha! I watched, listened & did my job whenever the contraction is intense at the strongest level. "Push! push! push! push! STOP! Take a deep breathe."--midwife. What an annoying word! PUSH PUSH PUSH! Of course I am!

*My mother-in-law skpyed while I was pushing. Here's what my mom & Lynn (under Kim Green's name) said on skype.
[10/14/2010 6:01:39 PM] Kim Green: I wish I could be there with you to hold your hand. and to hear all the surrounding in the room
[10/14/2010 6:23:34 PM] Kim Green: hello are you there
[10/14/2010 6:54:11 PM] Kim Green: the suspense is killing me!!!
[10/14/2010 7:00:31 PM] Kim Green: Is everything ok?
[10/14/2010 7:03:16 PM] Sylvia Vance: no
[10/14/2010 7:03:29 PM] Sylvia Vance: they've just taken erica to have an emergency c section
[10/14/2010 7:03:37 PM] Sylvia Vance: brian and interpreter w/ her. I'm in the room
[10/14/2010 7:03:41 PM] Sylvia Vance: just went at 7:00
[10/14/2010 7:03:44 PM] Sylvia Vance: it will be quick
[10/14/2010 7:03:58 PM] Kim Green: whats up
[10/14/2010 7:04:28 PM] Sylvia Vance: baby's heart rate, kept dropping....
[10/14/2010 7:04:33 PM] Sylvia Vance: pushed for 50 minutes
[10/14/2010 7:04:51 PM] Kim Green: calling to pray

*Continue in the next blog*

Click here to read the rest of the story. Part Two