Thursday, October 27, 2011


Earlier today, I text Brian and asked him to go on a hiking date with Conner and I. Yay!! We're going hiking and have a little picnic! Brian surprised me with some pretty Fall flowers. Brownie points for this man! We packed our supper and dressed according to the weather and we're off to a local state park. The weather was perfect. Cool crispy air with the warmth of the sun. Golden sunset shining against the fall leaves, reflecting on the lake too. Wow! God is good! It has been too long since we went hiking in a park. This time, we're taking Conner on his first hike! Of course, we took our dog along and she LOVED it! Windows down + the wind blowing her long floppy ears= one happy dog!

We had a blast! Conner walked almost the entire time. Of course, we didn't go too far for his little cute legs. We took some pictures, held hands (when we could) and talk about random things. Life is good!

Thank you for the flowers!

beautiful sunset over the lake

ready to go hiking!

Lead the way, Conner!

we love the outdoors!

Catching up with daddy and Lyla

look what I found!

wearing daddy's Detroit hat

he has a funny grin...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall Photo Shoot

Tiffany Anderson did an amazing job capturing our family fun at the pumpkin patch. We had so much fun playing in the corn maze, going on a hayride, picking out pumpkins and feeding the goats. Please check out Tiffany's photography site (above) for her great deals and to see her work. Thanks Tiffany!

1 year old check-up

Update from Conner's 1 year check-up.

BG took off from work early so he can be apart of his son's 1 year check-up.Yay! It was such a nice treat to have daddy tag along!

The appointment went really well. He weights 22 lbs. He got 3 shots. The nurse told us that his tempature will be slightly higher and will have a fever. It's normal to get that when he has a short (or 3). He also will get a small bruise on his thigh where he got the shots. He did not have a fever at all. Whew! That was good considering his birthday party was the next day. I did noticed 2 days ago that he has a small red bruise. At least we know that he is healthy and is at the right stage for a ever-growing boy!

The doctor said that he can have 25% of cow milk with his milk diet. 75% is breastmilk/forumula. We will increasing more cow milk and less of his usual milk as the weeks go by. We had already start giving Conner some cow milk last Sunday. Hopefully, it will be a smooth adjustment for him.
Daddy & Conner, looking out the window

waiting for the doctor

Checking out the Fall leaves!

My buddy!

enjoying our evening stroll

Pumpkins & a Winter Hat!

Conner got a birthday package from his aunt & uncle Morehouse. They got him a really cool sunglasses, a rock star t-shirt & a truck. Thanks Aunt Robin, Uncle Dave & all my cousins! By the way, thanks Robin for the secret stash bag full of seafoam candy! What is sea foam candy?

Then daddy found him a really cool hat that matches daddy's winter hat. Oh dear! And was a MSU t-shirt day. So that's a lot of Michigan going on here. ;) Don't worry, I got him another winter hat that is orange and brown with football lining on it. It look so much cooler! haha!

The Cool Michigan Mountian Man!

Conner got to paint his very own pumpkin that he had picked out.

I think he was more interesting painting on the paper towel.

Conner's 1 year old pumpkin with his handprint!

The end!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

HELP! A Toddler Is In My House

AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! AHHHHhHHHhhhhhhhhhh ahhh ah!

Ok I'm good now.

I bet you all were wondering why I am screaming on my post? Well, one word...toddler. Yes, I officially have a toddler growing under my roof. It's a new experience for me (& Brian) to chase Conner around all day this week. Sure, I love to watch Conner learn new things and explore on his own...but oh boy! He sure CAN get into everything. I'm trying not to let this new stage give me gray hairs yet. haha!

I'm excited that Conner can now get himself on AND off the couch. I don't have to worry about him falling off the couch. Thanks goodness! He can figure things out fairly quickly than I had thought. Such as sliding the t.v. stand door open (notice to self: get a pole lock this weekend). He can understand small commands & questions such as "go get your mickey mouse", "get the ball", "where's daddy?", 'let's go eat" & "don't touch". Ok, that last one is not in true effect yet because Conner wants to touch everything! I feel that BG and I had said "don't touch" over and over again that it's not a word anymore. haha! Sometimes, I feel that I'm using all my energy and time to keep Conner in order and in a safe environment. By the time the day is over, I see a messy house. I still have dishes that needs to be washed and clothes that need some ironing because I forgot to fold them. Then I had to remind myself this. God designed toddles to learn how to be hands on as they grow. We don't expect them to just sit on a chair and read books all day to know how things works. They explore, experience, touch, feel, smell, hear and see how the world around them works. I love that! I love seeing my child exploring his new puzzle toy ball. His face lights up when each shapes fit through a hole that matches the shape. He kept wanting to do it over and over again. If that's how Conner learns then I must adapt to be a teaching mom. I want to encourage him to grow in an ever-changing world. Whew! Ok there, I'm done with this post.  Now, I gotta go chase after a little boy name Conner. =)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Birthday Phone Call

Conner got his birthday phone call from Great Grandma Green. He was so sweet talking to her! I'm sad that I stop recording at the end right before Conner gave that kiss but you can imagine him giving a kiss on the phone. Love it!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

1st Birthday Party!

Brian and I had a small birthday party for our son, today. The theme was Owls & pumpkins with blue, green & orange polka dots! It was A BLAST! Our close families and friends came to our house and celebrated with us. We even used skype so our Michigan family can watch Conner smash his 1st birthday cake. Conner got a lot of toys! He loved every one of them. He got a few books & some clothes too. He loved all the attention. And my personal favorite...he loved to play with his mickey mouse balloon that he got from daddy. We all enjoyed a light supper of hot dogs, cake pop, apple cider and some yummy artichoke dip. Yum!

Mr. Owl is at the party!

Polka dots & owls everywhere!

Birthday gift from daddy...a mickey mouse balloon. He took it everywhere with him!

Conner's godparents!

Painted pumpkin with Conner's hand print & # 1

amazing fun drinks! 

My first attempt at making cake pops. Not so pretty but tastes SO GOOD!

Conner's thumbprints tree!
Opening the first present from Michigan. Boy! It was all taped up well.
Conner's MSU pillow pet! Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Green! 

Playing with a cookie jar that Mimi & Opa got for him.

Daddy got him a baseball bat with soft balls.

Sneaking in some strawberries!

Singing happy birthday to Conner! BG is holding my ipod for Skype time.

Eating some amazing cake that BG decorated for him. Strawberries & chocolate!

What a sneak! My dog got a taste of the yummy cake.

Ya want some?

My birthday boy!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Birthday To Conner!

Watch out world! The newest 1 year old is in town! My little baby just turn one! I couldn't believe how fast a year goes by when you're having so much fun with a new baby. Listen up's true. Do try & enjoy your baby because they grow up too fast! I did! I really had enjoyed being a mommy to my baby boy, Conner. He had turned my life around. My mind went from "college grad-young married-thinking" into a "mommy thinking". I am more concerned for my baby than I am about myself. I am more concerned about giving the best to Conner than I am to worry about if I have the latest fashion or hanging out with friends at late hour. Yes, I enjoyed my old life but this new mommy life is even more blessing to my heart! Thank you Lord for your amazing blessings!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Art of Worship

Art can mean a lot of things. Colors, visual, music and acting. I think "worship" is a very beautiful form of art. Don't forget, David from Psalms, praised God because he is fearfully & wonderfully made. He danced before the Lord. He wrote music and poems to express his heart. He worshiped God in his own art. As for me, I worship God in my own version of art. Painting, drawing, cooking, creating & especially using sign language to the music. I love it! It makes me want to stay up all night and create another DVD music in sign language!

Speaking of worship, last night, I went to my 1st ladies' church meeting. Ok, so what does that got to do with worship or art? Well, they had a "sign language for dummies" class. It was so much fun! Yes, learning sign language was hard for some of the ladies but they tried their hardest. We did the ABC's, intro to names, few basic signs such as "please" & "thank you". One of my favorite part was we learned a song, "We Bow Down". It is a very simple song to teach. When I saw all of the ladies signing to such a simple song, I was blessed! I was so blessed to see that they were willing to worship God in a new language. I'm telling was very beautiful to see such an art that God created. So when I got home, I started singing to Conner and leaded his hands for signing then signed it myself. He was in awe. That hit me. I haven't had a chance to just sit down with him and teaching him a song in sign language, especially about worshiping God. Yes, I used to do "Jesus Loves Me" and "Stand up for Jesus" and so forth. I want Conner to know that God loves him, always. He will carry Conner through his fears, his happiest & his saddest times. I want him to know that he can worship God any time that he wants to. What a better song to start with than this, "We Fall Down"? What's your art?

Preparing for Conner's Birthday Party!

I decided to make my own crafts inspired by Pinterest rather than buying already ready party supplies theme. I want to go for the Owl/Pumpkin party theme. Here is the preview of my craft making! An Owl Pom Pom!

Fold (accordion style) 6-8 sheets of tissue wrapping paper & tie with a wire.

open and pull sheets one by one into a bloom

fully bloomed

spread the bottom part into an owl oval shape. Then hot glue wrapped styrofoam ball onto the body.
Hot glue shapes of ears, eyes and googly eyes onto the head. Don't forget to cut up some wings and hot glue it under head. Add fuzzy wires underneath for "legs" if want.

Almot ready to party Mr. Owl? =)