AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! AHHHHhHHHhhhhhhhhhh ahhh ah!
Ok I'm good now.
I bet you all were wondering why I am
screaming on my post? Well, one word...
toddler. Yes, I officially have a toddler growing under my roof. It's a new experience for me (& Brian) to chase Conner around all day this week. Sure, I love to watch Conner learn new things and explore on his own...but oh boy! He sure
CAN get into everything. I'm trying not to let this new stage give me
gray hairs yet. haha!
I'm excited that Conner can now get himself on
AND off the couch. I don't have to worry about him falling off the couch. Thanks goodness! He can figure things out fairly quickly than I had thought. Such as sliding the t.v. stand door open (notice to self: get a pole lock this weekend). He can understand small commands & questions such as "go get your mickey mouse", "get the ball", "where's daddy?", 'let's go eat" & "don't touch". Ok, that last one is not in true effect yet because Conner wants to touch everything! I feel that BG and I had said "don't touch" over and over again that it's not a word anymore. haha! Sometimes, I feel that I'm using all my energy and time to keep Conner in order and in a safe environment. By the time the day is over, I see a messy house. I still have dishes that needs to be washed and clothes that need some ironing because I forgot to fold them. Then I had to remind myself this. God designed toddles to learn how to be
hands on as they grow. We don't expect them to just sit on a chair and read books all day to know how things works. They explore, experience, touch, feel, smell, hear and see how the world around them works. I love that! I love seeing my child exploring his new puzzle toy ball. His face lights up when each shapes fit through a hole that matches the shape. He kept wanting to do it over and over again. If that's how Conner learns then I must adapt to be a teaching mom. I want to encourage him to grow in an ever-changing world. Whew! Ok there, I'm done with this post. Now, I gotta go chase after a little boy name Conner. =)