-We had a few "parents' joy" in our ever-growing lil' monkey! Conner can climbed onto the couch and the book shelf. Oh dear, we're in big trouble!
he got stuck under our end table. |
a good place to take a nap hmm... |
-Conner figured out where his baby jar food are kept. They are being stored in our lowest kitchen drawer since all those jar foods are so heavy. I don't want to have the whole drawer fall out and hit our toes. yikes! One more good thing about discovering the drawer, is Conner can walk to it & pick out what he wants for lunch. =)
-Conner loves his quiet time with daddy, whether they be reading a book or having a nap.
-Umm...oh yeah, we bought a car! Praise the Lord! We weren't even out car shopping. We got a call from an old church friend. I used to babysit their kids for the Summer. They happened to read my parents' missionary prayer letter about us needing a car. And they are selling their daughter's car. They gave us a better deal. It's a 95' Ford Accord, silver/teal/blue! We were happy to see the Lord work in this.
I think we need to see what The Greens' mad face looks like when Conner gets frustrating... Sweet lil' kid.
Ok no more feeling bad for him. Here's a happy photo! Conner got his early birthday present from Aunt Becky & Uncle James in AK. It's a Disney's t.v. show, Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse. He LOVES it! He would dance and smile every time the show comes on.
I finally got my order from the 31 company. Check it out...I'm going in style with packing my snacks and my travel stuff!
But I think Conner loves it more than I do. He had already claimed that its' his, even though there's flower prints on it. LOL!
See he already has his dvd and his favorite red Wii remote in the bag (and somewhere in there is his pacy).
Conner has discover coloring! This morning, he was sitting on my lap while I was talking to Brian. He grabbed the pen and then the notepad. He tried to draw on it. That hit me..."how in the world did he know how to do that?" So, I gave him some crayons & a paper! whoohoo! I'm a happy art lover mama!
Do you think he needs a haircut? =)
That's all for now! I hope all my readers are doing great!