Thursday, September 29, 2011


Do you think Grandpa & grandson can be a partner in crime? Well, I think so! Here's a funny picture of my daddy and Conner being a "superhero"!

picture taken on the beach on a VERY windy day...

A Few Good Blessings!

-We had a few "parents' joy" in our ever-growing lil' monkey! Conner can climbed onto the couch and the book shelf. Oh dear, we're in big trouble!
he got stuck under our end table.

a good place to take a nap hmm...

-Conner figured out where his baby jar food are kept. They are being stored in our lowest kitchen drawer since all those jar foods are so heavy. I don't want to have the whole drawer fall out and hit our toes. yikes! One more good thing about discovering the drawer, is Conner can walk to it & pick out what he wants for lunch. =)

-Conner loves his quiet time with daddy, whether they be reading a book or having a nap.

-Umm...oh yeah, we bought a car! Praise the Lord! We weren't even out car shopping. We got a call from an old church friend. I used to babysit their kids for the Summer. They happened to read my parents' missionary prayer letter about us needing a car. And they are selling their daughter's car. They gave us a better deal. It's a 95' Ford Accord, silver/teal/blue! We were happy to see the Lord work in this.

I think we need to see what The Greens' mad face looks like when Conner gets frustrating... Sweet lil' kid.

Ok no more feeling bad for him. Here's a happy photo! Conner got his early birthday present from Aunt Becky & Uncle James in AK. It's a Disney's t.v. show, Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse. He LOVES it! He would dance and smile every time the show comes on.

I finally got my order from the 31 company. Check it out...I'm going in style with packing my snacks and my travel stuff!

But I think Conner loves it more than I do. He had already claimed that its' his, even though there's flower prints on it. LOL!
See he already has his dvd and his favorite red Wii remote in the bag (and somewhere in there is his pacy).

Conner has discover coloring! This morning, he was sitting on my lap while I was talking to Brian. He grabbed the pen and then the notepad. He tried to draw on it. That hit me..."how in the world did he know how to do that?" So, I gave him some crayons & a paper! whoohoo! I'm a happy art lover mama!

Do you think he needs a haircut? =)

That's all for now! I hope all my readers are doing great!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rio Music!

Conner loves music! He would shimmy his knee or "clap" his hands in the air. Whatever makes him happy when he hears music. One day, we all went over to my parents' house for a cookout and watch a movie, Rio. The theme music came on and this is what Conner's reaction was. =)

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Check out the baby timeline!

Whoohoo! Can you believe how fast a baby can grow? For those who are expecting or have small children, this is a great idea to make a timeline of your kid(s).
The other day, I had just remembered that I wanted to do a baby timeline. So I'm really happy that I remembered to do this. I wanted to have about 5 or 6 pictures (from the day we left the hospital to the day he turns one) but since I signed up for the free membership on, I'm only allowed to have 4 picture spaces. I thought what a better idea to use the carseat to compare his growth. I will make a new timeline picture by the time Conner turns one. It's neat to see how much that he has grown so far!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Catching Up On Life

A lot had happened over the weekend. 1st, Conner has been walking around like crazy! He got to walk to daddy when he came home. He walked from the couch to the door for the first time, Of course, that made daddy smile! 2nd, Conner finally learned how to clap his hands together. Usually, he just shakes them up in the air. So cute! 3rd, I found him sitting on Brian's old toy chest. Be still my heart! I smiled then of course my mama's fear kick in gear that I was afraid that he might fall over. Yes, I took a picture before letting him down. haha! Then this morning, I found out how Conner climbed onto the toy chest. He stood on a smaller box next to it. He was sitting happily while eating his cheerios. Sigh* Well, that's not all...he stood on top of a file box and leaned over on the end table to reach for a t.v. remote thats on the couch. Then of course, that didn't stop him. He got himself on the couch for the first time. Man! He really is becoming an adventurous monkey. So much like his mama!

This weekend has gotten a lot colder than we had expected. That means Fall is right around the corner! I LOVE Fall! Lucky, I bought Conner some fall/winter clothes a week before. There was a big sale at the Children's Place. Whoohoo! I love what we got for the price we bought!

Last Friday, I was so excited because we're going to a football game. I made chili for dinner, dressed Conner and I in our warm hoodies and wait for my hubby to come home from work. This was Conner's 1st Friday night high school football game. And 1st game for us old people since we had been married for 2 years. Guess we were that busy! We went to Jefferson's game and boy! It was so much fun! Conner danced and talked the entire time. Of course, it was getting late and the 1st half was longer than we had expected. So we decided to leave during halftime (with a good note of the score). 29-14. The final score was 54-29! Whoohoo! Go Dragon! We also saw a few of my old church friends whom I  have not seen in almost 8 years! It was so good to see the Crow's family and their adopted daughter from China. The last time I saw her she was almost 3 years old. Now she is 10, wow!

Saturday, we went to my parents house very early in the morning. I had planned to stay at their house with Conner so we can sleep in while my mom & BG go out to shop. Dad invited us to go out for breakfast before they do their shopping. So we did! We went to Curt's. The food was yummy! Conner had enjoyed sitting next to Opa and eat some scrambled eggs for breakfast. Then we went to walmart. Conner fell asleep in the cart. 1st time ever! So sweet! Then off to Sam's to get Conner's monthly bulk of diapers. We saved a lot of money and worries by doing this. If we hadn't we would have been buying enough diapers to last us every 2 weeks. So much easier to get the bulk size. We start getting Sam's diapers last June. It lasts us a month maybe more. Cost: $38 total included taxes! Yikes! But better than AHHHH! We all went back to my parents' house for a cookout & to watch a movie, Rio. It was nice to hang out with them since we all had been busy.

Overall, God is in the midst of my life. He continues to amaze me with his power and greatness! I love my savior and hope one day Conner will know who loves him even more than I do. =)

1st of the many greetings when daddy comes home!
Wearing his new warm clothes!

my sweet boy!

ready to rock at the game!

playing at the play set before the game

let's go Dragon!

Conner's 1st Friday night football game!

Joe's truck! Do you think it's Great grandpa Joe's truck? Oh by the way, there's a stuffed chicken doll in the

He fell asleep while shopping at 8 in the morning.

playing with Mimi & Opa's toys

bath towel that we never used because Conner is a hulk! lol

time for a haircut! He wont get it until his 1st birthday.

1st time I caught him sitting up there. ek!

How did he get up there? Hint: Jack helped him out.

Watching Rio and having some lunch!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I can't believe how quickly Conner is learning to walk. He just started to a few weeks ago. Yesterday, I noticed that Conner kept walking around the living room nonstop. He would go from a couch to a chair to a smaller couch (where I was sitting at) then to a computer desk (where daddy was working at). Then he would do it all over again. It was really fun to watch him explore and walk freely. If he falls down, he would get up and do it again without crying. BIG BOY! Sometimes, he would even carry a toy in his hand while walking. Such a brave lil' guy! I am kinda freaking out a little bit because I realized that he would be a walker by the time he turns 1 next month. Ek! Time does go by fast!

Happy 11 months old to Conner! You can walk, say & sign a few words. You like to sing "OOooo!" & feed yourself wheven you have the chance to. You love to cuddle with mama & daddy and sometimes our dog too! You started to learn how to share but you also like to get away with it, You can sleep in the crib on your own. You love Mickey Mouse and sometimes would watch a cooking show with me. You are a book-it worm! Mama's favorite time is to cuddle and play outside with you. You think "outside" is an amazing word. You love going with me to take Lyla on a walk. You love to explore and touch anything interesting, especially the grasses and the leaves. Your personality is sweet, kind, determine, loving, happy and not too shy. Love you buddy!