Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gentlemen, start your engine! Let's the race began!

It's memorial day weekend. There's a big race (racing cars) going on today. My husband started to like to watch them. What does all this have to do with Conner anyway? Well, let me be the first to share you the news...Conner just started CRAWLING!! Two days ago, he finally figured out how to crawl "army style". It was slow motion but I was so excited! Yay for mama! Then yesterday, he crawled way more (and faster) than I had expected! I knew my life in the "chasing Conner until I drop dead" has begun. The race seem fitting considered that Conner had put my life in the race. I am racing to catch him! haha! I know that kinda sound silly. I am SO HAPPY for Conner. He has hit another big milestone today. He is capable of being mobile. I am thanking God for this new blessing. It's a good reminder that Conner is doing really well in develepment for motor skills. I guess I better get my running shoes on. I need to be prepare for a full week of "chasing Conner" around all day! =) I will post a video soon!

On the go mama Green!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Day At the Lake!

Today is "park day"! Growing up, my mom would take my brothers and I to a park. So we can meet with friends and just have fun. I'm so excited to take this tradition with my son. My mom invited Conner and I to go with her & my brother, Zach. We went to hang out with some of her friends. It was so beautiful! The park is right next to a lake with a beach. Perfect weather for the lake. It was Conner's first time going to the park and the lake. He absolutely LOVED it! I think he will be a natural outdoor kid. Here are some of the pictures of him enjoying the day!

I'm ready to play!

What a beautiful boy!

trying to crawl. haha!

what a smile!

the lake side

I cant believe how much he has grown!

he really likes to look down at the water


nap time in his new stroller!

enjoying my sweet time with Conner

going kayaking with my brother

Relaxing with my lil' bug

Tell me your silly joke!

Playing with mama!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Amazing Wonders

"What was the most amazing thing that you ever saw? Is it something big? Something small? Something old? Or something new? Or was it something that you never had saw?" when I hear that statement from a commercial, I got to thinking. What was it for me to be amazed about? I'm always amazed so many things. It's hard to name just one.

Something big: oh those never-ending sunrises and sunsets. They come day by day with a new color! They filled my heart and soul with such a breath-taking view that I didn't think it was not possible to breathe.

Something small...hmm. That is a hard one to think because what is so small that we forgot to notice? Ladybugs, kittens opening their eyes for the first time, butterflies gathering sweet liquid. Whatever it is, we must not miss the smallest details because it is there for a reason.

Something old: man. don't you love those old oak trees? I love climbing trees. It takes years for a strong tree to give life to everyone who breathes on this earth. They help provide oxygen! Isn't that crazy? Oh I can't forget those Lively Old couples that still has a fire for each other. May God bless their hearts!

Something new: I cannot deny this but it's my sweet baby boy! I love how he took his first breath once he was born. I love how small and sweet a baby could be. I know he is the newest thing that has ever amazed me. He will always be my amazing child!

Something that you never saw: gosh...this is a hard one considering I never had seen it. BUT! Let me tell you what I think it is. God's son rising from the grave! That would be amazing to see! I don't think my heart could handle it if I had witness that event. My heart is only human. I'm not prepare to take such an amazing view.

All those details whether they be big or small, old or new. God has a reason for our eyes to see something amazing everyday. We are preparing to see something that we had never once experienced in our life. I cant wait to see that day! Oh how great is our God!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

1st Mother's Day Weekend!

I am so excited to have my first mother's day with Conner being here. Last year, I was pregnant at that time but it didn't seem real to me for a mother's day. Anyway, I had my Saturday all planned for a fun event to Athen, GA. We were gonna visit Athen's botiental garden and explore downtown. So guess what? We all came down with a cold. BLAH!! I felt so bad for Conner since it was his first cold. I feel like I have a horrible sinus pressure but let's hope it won't be anything worse than a common cold. My husband had sore throat so I know tomorrow would be even worse for him. Well, happy mother's day to me. haha I won't change it for anything really. I get to cuddle with my boys and watch some movies. BG gets to rent a video game for free so it's all good! Happy mother's day to all the mommies reading this blog!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Conner's first sign!!

I'm so excited to tell you this! Conner signed his 1st sign language word today! My husband and I had been teaching him the sign for "milk" since the day Tank came home. Finally, it all paid off! At first, I wasn't sure he was actually signing it but he did it a couple of times. I caught it on tape. Whoohoo for my iPod touch! Here it is!

YouTube Video
